OBJECTIVES: We evaluated inpatient management, transition to home, breastfeeding, growth, and clinical outcomes of infants born to mothers diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy and followed in a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), that serves a diverse and low-income patient population, from birth through 6 months of life. METHODS: Infants born between 4/3/20 and 7/26/20 at Prentice Women's Hospital with mothers who received prenatal care at Erie Family Health Center (Erie), the second largest FQHC in Illinois, and had confirmed SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy were included. Data were abstracted from delivery hospital admission and outpatient follow-up appointments between 4/8/20 and 2/4/21. RESULTS: Thirty-three infants met inclusion criteria. Average gestational age was 38.9 weeks (IQR 37.6-40.4), 3 (10%) were premature and 5 (15%) required NICU admission. Nearly all (97%) mothers expressed intent to breastfeed. Outpatient follow-up rates were similar to historical cohorts and 82% (23/28) of infants were vaccination compliant. Growth parameters showed normal distributions at all time points. At 6 months, any and exclusive breast milk feeding rates were lower compared to historic cohorts (18 vs. 36%, p<0.05, 0 vs. 21%, p><0.01). three infants (10%) received development-related referrals, one carried an underlying genetic diagnosis. outpatient visits were predominantly face-to-face with telemedicine use comprising only 6% of visits (11 182). conclusions: longitudinal follow-up of 33 publicly insured infants born to mothers with sars-cov-2 infection in pregnancy followed in an fqhc showed high rates of follow-up and vaccination compliance, normal growth patterns and reassuring clinical status, and lower than expected rates of breastfeeding.>0.01).>0.05,>