Manne Research Institute Voucher Program

Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute has partnered with several internal and external research service providers to offer cost-effective research services to investigators. To help advance research, particularly among junior investigators who may not have well-established funding sources, the research institute will offer faculty and associated trainees the opportunity to apply for vouchers throughout the year.

View application details.

Available Voucher Services

To learn more about the available services and service centers participating in the voucher program, please click on the area of interest below.

The institutional biorepository operated at Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago provides the infrastructure for collecting, processing, storing, and releasing biological specimens and data used for approved research studies to researchers at Lurie Children’s and their community partners. If you are interested in obtaining a voucher for this service, please complete the application and consultation to scope your project. 

Microscopy provides services with a variety of light and confocal microscopes. If you are interested in obtaining a voucher for this service, please complete the application and consultation to scope your project. 

Histology provides a wide range of histology services with both drop-off service and self-serve cutting stations. In-house services include:

  • Tissue processing
  • Paraffin embedding
  • Frozen embedding
  • PPFE tissue sectioning
  • Frozen tissue sectioning 
  • H&E staining
  • Special stains
  • Full slide scanning 

The Smith Child Health Catalyst provides activation energy to advance community and population health, outcomes research, and evaluation focused on children and families within Lurie Children's and beyond. Catalyst is a service center that strengthens interdisciplinary collaboration, academic competitiveness, and scientific rigor of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research within Manne Research Institute. Catalyst is made up of faculty scientific leads and a dedicated team of project management, statistician, and research coordinator staff, who team up with investigators and community partners to develop proposals and carry out funded work. Catalyst also provides consultation and education to build capacity in these approaches and serve as a resource. Catalyst faculty and staff hold expertise in digital-engagement, user-centered design, practiced-based research, community engagement, implementation science, and program evaluation. Catalyst also has extensive experience recruiting, working with, and retaining research participants from historically marginalized groups.

Types of Services: 

Consultations, service provisions, and collaboration/team science requests are available for many services. 

  • Program evaluation
  • Scientific and evaluation contributions to proposal development
  • Developing survey, interview, and focus group questions and protocols
  • Use of the Voices of Child Health in Chicago Parent Panel (VOCHIC)
  • Patient, family, and community-engaged research
  • Research in the primary care community practice setting
  • Identifying, recruiting, engaging and retaining participants 
  • Data collection (survey, needs assessments, interviews, focus groups)
  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis 
  • Dissemination of results
  • And more

If you are interested in obtaining a voucher for Catalyst services, please begin by completing a Catalyst Service Request to scope your project. After scoping your project and receipt of a Catalyst Service Proposal, you can complete the voucher application. 

Quantitative science experts collaborate with researchers across Stanley Manne Children's Research Institute to provide cutting-edge statistical and analytical support and computational techniques to maximize research impact and improve the health outcomes of pediatric patients. Their expertise in statistics, bioinformatics, database analytics, applied clinical informatics, and predictive analytics enables researchers to test hypotheses, answer research questions, and pursue understanding of behaviors across different populations.

Researchers can apply for vouchers to cover the following services:

  • Biostatistical support (sample size, power calculations, statistical study design)
  • Statistical analysis and interpretation
  • Data analytics 

To work with our services you must schedule a consultation with our teams first, receive a scope of work and budget and then submit your voucher application. You can engage our team by:

  1. Creating a profile in our platform (this step will only need to be completed for first time requesters) and
  2. Submitting a Quantitative Science project intake request form.

The Clinical Research Unit (CRU) at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago is a 6,565-square-foot dedicated space for investigators to engage in clinical research within an optimal environment that offers a flexible infrastructure and highly trained staff, thereby ensuring excellence in the conduct of clinical research. 

This state-of-the-art facility on the 19th floor includes eight outpatient rooms, six private inpatient beds, and consultation rooms. Experienced research nurses and medical assistants are on hand to ensure the proficient implementation of research protocols in a child- and family-friendly setting. 

The CRU provides investigators with the specific clinical services required for their projects. Ongoing quality control programs and frequent communication with the research teams allow for the highest standard of patient care and data collection. 

If you have an unfunded project that requires a dedicated research space in the CRU, you can apply for consideration of a voucher. Please note that this applies only for CRU space only (tier 1) to help support your project.

If you have an emergency use case, expanded access program protocol, or investigator-initiated protocol with minimal or no funding, you can apply for Investigational Drug Services (IDS) Pharmacy administrative or dispensing fee support through the voucher application.

Limited support is available for Open Access fees through the Voucher Program. If you are interested in being considered for limited Open Access Funding, please follow these steps:

  1. Register to submit a voucher application in our platform (this step will only need to be completed for first-time voucher program requesters).
  2. Complete the voucher application

The Office of Research Development (ORD) provides investigators with a list of recommended external vendors and guidance on grant and manuscript editing support options. ORD does not currently provide in-house grant and manuscript editing services but is available to help scope the need.

If you are interested in a voucher for writing support, review the writing support tip sheet before submitting an application. Questions on writing support vendors or processes can be sent to 

Application Process

Please complete the following steps.

For Catalyst, Quantitative Science, and CRU/IDS Pharmacy

  1. Contact the service center to schedule a consultation and obtain a service proposal, scope of work, or letter of support 
  2. Register to submit a voucher application in our platform (this step will only need to be completed for first-time requesters)
  3. Complete the voucher application

For Biorepository, Histology, Microscopy, and Writing Support Services

  1. Register to submit a voucher application in our platform (this step will only need to be completed for first time requesters)  
  2. Complete the voucher application

The service center may contact you directly to develop or further refine your project scope, if needed.

Application Criteria

Voucher applications will be reviewed using the following criteria:

  1. Impact on the research career trajectory of the individual applying for the voucher.
  2. The likelihood of the voucher work to lead to a discrete output, such as a manuscript or pilot data to support a grant through an external funding mechanism.  
  3. The work to be conducted through the voucher program will allow for a more competitive resubmission of a grant that was scored and discussed. 
  4. The voucher allows a resident trainee fulfill a graduation requirement (if applicable).  
  5. There is an urgency to the work to be conducted with voucher support, such as a grant or other deadline within the next 3 months.
  6. The investigator seeking the service requested has sought support through a mentor’s research portfolio, divisional research support, or other alternative funding mechanisms.
  7. The voucher will advance the research of a junior faculty member or a faculty member who is pivoting their research. 

Please note: in addition to the above criteria, investigators are limited to submitting one voucher application at a time, and funding is limited to $5,000 a year per investigator.

All applications submitted regardless of funding outcome will receive reviewer feedback to help guide future submissions.

Application Deadlines

The application process is open throughout the year. Applications received by 5:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month will receive a funding decision four weeks after the submission. Applications received after the first Tuesday of the month will be reviewed in next month's cycle. 

Any missing or additional information needed to complete the application will be requested by email and may result in a delay in a funding decision. If your application is denied, you will receive notification of the decision and general input regarding your submission.

Awarded Vouchers

Vouchers must be used by the end of the fiscal year of the award. Any no-cost extensions will require approval. Questions related to currently held vouchers can be directed to

Contact Information