Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
The Northwestern University Intitutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) does not use Cayuse IACUC to review animal protocols; each investigator has been sent Microsoft Word versions of their approved studies. Until those studies require a de novo review, any amendments to these studies may be used by modifying these Word applications. Please note that per NU IACUC Policies and Procedures, annual reviews must only be completed for animals regulated by the USDA (annual renewals for rodents and zebrafish will no longer be required). All new studies will need to be submitted through their electronic submission and review system.
All questions should be directed to the NU IACUC Office, including Mandy Kozlowski, the IACUC Office Director. You may also use the following link for the NU IACUC website: Please note that this link does require a NU NetID; if you do not have a NetID, please go to the following website to obtain a NetID: