We investigate essential functions of biological processes and fundamental mechanisms of diseases and disorders affecting children’s health. Our lab-based programs are organized into virtual scientific neighborhoods that promote collaborations.
Our work translates the discoveries of basic science into promising clinical applications. Multidisciplinary teams of researchers collaborate on clinical research on a range of specialties and conditions organized into program areas.
We drive the research on biological, psychological, social, behavioral, and environmental causes and influencers of common and prominent child health problems to generate evidence for clinical and public health interventions.
Our diverse team of researchers are influential leaders in investigating pediatric health issues and diseases, and include physicians, scientists, postdocs, coordinators, statisticians, data analysts, trainees, and others who routinely collaborate with medical centers, academic institutions, and community partners across the globe.
Surgical Outcomes, Patient Safety, Access to Care, Quality of Care
Chest Wall Dermatitis Patterns Following Thoracoscopic Intercostal Nerve Cryoablation for Surgical Correction of Pectus Excavatum.
Medical Simulation, Emergency Medicine Training
Outcomes of Children Discharged Prior to Absolute Neutrophil Count Recovery After Admission for Febrile Neutropenia.
Addressing Emerging Needs Through the COVID-19 and Children With Medical Complexity ECHO.
Transition of care in inborn errors of immunity: Outcomes of a single-center quality improvement initiative.
Principal Investigator
Herpes Simplex Virus, Encephalitis, Neurologic Infection
Herpes Simplex Virus-2 Variation Contributes to Neurovirulence During Neonatal Infection.
Infant Development, Health Policy, Health Services Research, Medical Education, Access to Health Care and Health Equity, Child Health Advocacy
Caregiver Concerns About Child Development During the COVID-19 Pandemic among those with Missed Appointments: Preliminary Results.
LUMBAR syndrome-OEIS complex overlap: A case series and review.
Health Equity and Policy Considerations for Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Disease Care among Minoritized Populations in the United States.
Liver Transplantation, Liver Failure, Health Outcomes, Immunosuppression Withdrawal
Immunosuppression-Free Life after Pediatric Liver Transplant: A Case-Control Study from the Society of Pediatric Liver Transplant (SPLIT) Registry.
Quality of Care, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Epidemiology
Acute care utilization for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions among publicly insured children.