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Showing 13165 - 13176 of 13313 results

Design and Methodological Considerations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Urologic and Renal Protocol for the Newborn and Young Child with Spina Bifida

Jonathan C Routh, Earl Y Cheng, J Christopher Austin, Michelle A Baum, Patricio C Gargollo, Richard W Grady, Adrienne R Herron, Steven S Kim, Shelly J King, Chester J Koh, Pangaja Paramsothy, Lisa Raman, Michael S Schechter, Kathryn A Smith, Stacy T Tanaka, Judy K Thibadeau, William O Walker, M Chad Wallis, John S Wiener, David B Joseph


Design and implementation of electronic health record common data elements for pediatric epilepsy: Foundations for a learning health care system

Zachary M Grinspan, Anup D Patel, Renée A Shellhaas, Anne T Berg, Erika T Axeen, Jeffrey Bolton, David F Clarke, Jason Coryell, William D Gaillard, Howard P Goodkin, Sookyong Koh, Alison Kukla, Juma S Mbwana, Lindsey A Morgan, Nilika S Singhal, Margaret M Storey, Elissa G Yozawitz, Nicholas S Abend, Mark P Fitzgerald, Sara E Fridinger, Ingo Helbig, Shavonne L Massey, Marisa S Prelack, Jeffrey Buchhalter


Design of a pragmatic trial in minority children presenting to the emergency department with uncontrolled asthma: The CHICAGO Plan.

Jerry A Krishnan, Molly A Martin, Cortland Lohff, Giselle S Mosnaim, Helen Margellos-Anast, Julie A DeLisa, Kate McMahon, Kim Erwin, Leslie S Zun, Michael L Berbaum, Michael McDermott, Nina E Bracken, Rajesh Kumar, S Margaret Paik, Sharmilee M Nyenhuis, Stacy Ignoffo, Valerie G Press, Zachary E Pittsenbarger, Trevonne M Thompson


Descriptive Epidemiology of Upper Extremity Septic Arthritis in Children-Review of a Retrospective Multicenter Database.

Li, Ying; Sanborn, Ryan M; Cook, Danielle; Baldwin, Keith D; Beebe, Allan C; Denning, Jaime R; Goldstein, Rachel Y; Janicki, Joseph A; Johnson, Megan E; Truong, Walter H; Shore, Benjamin J


Design and Validation of the Biliary Atresia Research Consortium Histologic Assessment System for Cholestasis in Infancy

Pierre Russo, John C Magee, John Boitnott, Kevin E Bove, Trivellore Raghunathan, Milton Finegold, Joel Haas, Ronald Jaffe, Grace E Kim, Margret Magid, Hector Melin-Aldana, Frances White, Peter F Whitington, Ronald J Sokol


Design of a model to predict surge capacity bottlenecks for burn mass casualties at a large academic medical center.

Mahshid Abir, Matthew M Davis, Pratap Sankar, Andrew C Wong, Stewart C Wang


Describing Primary Care Encounters: The Primary Care Network Survey and the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey

Helen J Binns, David Lanier, Wilson D Pace, James M Galliher, Theodore G Ganiats, Margaret Grey, Adolfo J Ariza, Robert Williams


Design and phenomenology of the FEBSTAT study

Dale C Hesdorffer, Shlomo Shinnar, Darrell V Lewis, Solomon L Moshé, Douglas R Nordli, John M Pellock, James MacFall, Ruth C Shinnar, David Masur, L Matthew Frank, Leon G Epstein, Claire Litherland, Syndi Seinfeld, Jacqueline A Bello, Stephen Chan, Emilia Bagiella, Shumei Sun


Depressive Symptoms and Clinical Status During the Treatment of Adolescent Suicide Attempters (TASA) Study

Benedetto Vitiello, David A Brent, Laurence L Greenhill, Graham Emslie, Karen Wells, John T Walkup, Barbara Stanley, Oscar Bukstein, Betsy D Kennard, Scott Compton, Barbara Coffey, Mary F Cwik, Kelly Posner, Ann Wagner, John S March, Mark Riddle, Tina Goldstein, John Curry, Lisa Capasso, Taryn Mayes, Sa Shen, S Sonia Gugga, J Blake Turner, Shannon Barnett, Jamie Zelazny


Descending Aortic Translocation and Right Pulmonary Artery Reimplantation for Midline Descending Aorta and Crossed Pulmonary Arteries in an Infant

Michael C Mongé, Amanda L Hauck, Andrada R Popescu, Joseph M Forbess, Carl L Backer


Derivation and Validation of a Serum Biomarker Panel to Identify Infants With Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage.

Rachel Pardes Berger, Brian J Pak, Mariya D Kolesnikova, Janet Fromkin, Richard Saladino, Bruce E Herman, Mary Clyde Pierce, David Englert, Paul T Smith, Patrick M Kochanek