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Showing 121 - 132 of 173 results

Improving long-term outcomes after liver transplantation in children.

J C Bucuvalas, E Alonso, J C Magee, J Talwalkar, D Hanto, E Doo


Outcomes of 5-year survivors of pediatric liver transplantation: report on 461 children from a north american multicenter registry.

Vicky Lee Ng, Annie Fecteau, Ross Shepherd, John Magee, John Bucuvalas, Estella Alonso, Suzanne McDiarmid, Geoff Cohen, Ravinder Anand


Survival after liver transplantation for hepatoblastoma: a 2-center experience.

Marybeth Browne, Dani Sher, David Grant, Enza Deluca, Estella Alonso, Peter F Whitington, Riccardo A Superina


Graft histology characteristics in long-term survivors of pediatric liver transplantation

Udeme D Ekong, Hector Melin-Aldana, Roopa Seshadri, Joan Lokar, Dave Harris, Peter F Whitington, Estella M Alonso


Outcomes after liver transplantation in young infants.

Shikha S Sundaram, Estella M Alonso, Ravinder Anand


Long-term outcomes after liver transplantation in children

John C Bucuvalas, Estella Alonso


Health-related quality of life and family function following pediatric liver transplantation.

Estella M Alonso, Katie Neighbors, Franca B Barton, Sue V McDiarmid, Stephen P Dunn, George V Mazariegos, Jeanne M Landgraf, John C Bucuvalas


Impact of graft type on outcome in pediatric liver transplantation: A report from Studies of Pediatric Liver Transplantation (SPLIT)

Ivan R Diamond, Annie Fecteau, J Michael Millis, Julian E Losanoff, Vicky Ng, Ravinder Anand, Changhong Song


Adolescent Health‐Related Quality of Life Following Liver and Kidney Transplantation

S S Sundaram, J M Landgraf, K Neighbors, R A Cohn, E M Alonso


Medical and surgical management of portal hypertension in children.

Riccardo A Superina, Estella M Alonso


Detection of acetaminophen protein adducts in children with acute liver failure of indeterminate cause.

Laura P James, Estella M Alonso, Linda S Hynan, Jack A Hinson, Timothy J Davern, William M Lee, Robert H Squires