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Showing 8773 - 8784 of 13322 results

Long-term safety and efficacy of etanercept in children and adolescents with plaque psoriasis

Amy S Paller, Elaine C Siegfried, David M Pariser, Kara Creamer Rice, Mona Trivedi, Jan Iles, David H Collier, Greg Kricorian, Richard G Langley


Long-term seizure remission in childhood absence epilepsy: Might initial treatment matter?

Anne T Berg, Susan R Levy, Francine M Testa, Hal Blumenfeld


Long-term preservation of intellectual functioning in sapropterin-treated infants and young children with phenylketonuria: A seven-year analysis.

Susan Waisbren, Barbara K Burton, Annette Feigenbaum, Laura L Konczal, Joshua Lilienstein, Shawn E McCandless, Richard Rowell, Amarilis Sanchez-Valle, Kaleigh B Whitehall, Nicola Longo


Long-term outcomes of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy diagnosed during childhood: results from a national population-based study

Peta M A Alexander, Alan W Nugent, Piers E F Daubeney, Katherine J Lee, Lynn A Sleeper, Tibor Schuster, Christian Turner, Andrew M Davis, Chris Semsarian, Steven D Colan, Terry Robertson, James Ramsay, Robert Justo, Gary F Sholler, Ingrid King, Robert G Weintraub


Long-Term Outcomes of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Diagnosed During Childhood: Results from a National Population-Based Study of Childhood Cardiomyopathy

Peta M A Alexander, Piers E F Daubeney, Alan W Nugent, Katherine J Lee, Christian Turner, Steven D Colan, Terry Robertson, Andrew M Davis, James Ramsay, Robert Justo, Gary F Sholler, Ingrid King, Robert G Weintraub


Long-term results of right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction in neonatal cardiac surgery: options and outcomes.

Aditya K Kaza, Hong-Gook Lim, Daniel J Dibardino, Victor Bautista-Hernandez, Joshua Robinson, Catherine Allan, Peter Laussen, Francis Fynn-Thompson, Emile Bacha, Pedro J del Nido, John E Mayer, Frank A Pigula


Long-term prospective follow-up of endoscopic oesophagitis in southern Chinese--prevalence and spectrum of the disease.

W-M Wong, S K Lam, W M Hui, K C Lai, C K Chan, W H C Hu, H H X Xia, C K Hui, M F Yuen, A O O Chan, B C Y Wong


Long-term Outcomes on Lens Clarity after Lens-Sparing Vitrectomy for Retinopathy of Prematurity

Eric Nudleman, Joshua Robinson, Prethy Rao, Kimberly A Drenser, Antonio Capone, Michael T Trese