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Showing 8857 - 8868 of 12039 results

Long-term association between seizure outcome and depression after resective epilepsy surgery

H Hamid, H Liu, X Cong, O Devinsky, A T Berg, B G Vickrey, M R Sperling, S Shinnar, J T Langfitt, T S Walczak, W B Barr, J Dziura, C W Bazil, S S Spencer


Preoperative patient expectations of total shoulder arthroplasty.

R Frank Henn, Hassan Ghomrawi, John R Rutledge, Madhu Mazumdar, Carol A Mancuso, Robert G Marx


Urologic applications of engineered tissue

David M Kollhoff, Earl Y Cheng, Arun K Sharma


Clinical status and cardiovascular risk profile of adults with a history of juvenile dermatomyositis.

Micah J Eimer, Wendy J Brickman, Roopa Seshadri, Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, David D McPherson, Beverly Smulevitz, Neil J Stone, Lauren M Pachman


Characterization and Outcomes of Young Infants with Acute Liver Failure

Shikha S Sundaram, Estella M Alonso, Michael R Narkewicz, Song Zhang, Robert H Squires


Alternative Vaccination Schedule Preferences Among Parents of Young Children

Amanda F Dempsey, Sarah Schaffer, Dianne Singer, Amy Butchart, Matthew Davis, Gary L Freed


A National Profile of Caregiver Challenges Among More Medically Complex Children With Special Health Care Needs

Dennis Z Kuo, Eyal Cohen, Rishi Agrawal, Jay G Berry, Patrick H Casey


Up-regulation of Hedgehog pathway is associated with cellular permissiveness for hepatitis C virus replication.

Steve S Choi, Shelton Bradrick, Guan Qiang, Anahita Mostafavi, Gaurav Chaturvedi, Steven A Weinman, Anna Mae Diehl, Ravi Jhaveri


The arterial switch operation: 25-year experience with 258 patients.

Harish S Rudra, Constantine Mavroudis, Carl L Backer, Sunjay Kaushal, Hyde Russell, Robert D Stewart, Catherine Webb, Christine Sullivan


Ten-year experience with surgical unroofing of anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery from the opposite sinus with an interarterial course

Peter C Frommelt, David C Sheridan, Stuart Berger, Michele A Frommelt, James S Tweddell


Socioeconomic status and the likelihood of antibiotic treatment for signs and symptoms of pulmonary exacerbation in children with cystic fibrosis.

Michael S Schechter, Susanna A McColley, Warren Regelmann, Stefanie J Millar, David J Pasta, Jeffrey S Wagener, Michael W Konstan, Wayne J Morgan


Use of the Laryngeal Mask Airway-Aintree Intubating Catheter-fiberoptic bronchoscope technique for difficult intubation☆

Lauren C Berkow, Jamie M Schwartz, Kristin Kan, Marco Corridore, Eugenie S Heitmiller