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Showing 1 - 12 of 33 results

Relapse of large B-cell lymphoma with IRF4 rearrangement associated with SLAM-associated protein deficiency.

Elhodaky, Mostafa; Gunderman, Lauren M; Bachula, Mateusz; Liu, Guorong; Reilly, Paige; Schmidt, Mary L; Frederiksen, John Karl; Lu, Xinyan; Jennings, Lawrence; Rossoff, Jenna; Khanolkar, Aaruni; Gong, Shunyou


Outcomes After Nonresponse and Relapse Post-Tisagenlecleucel in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

Schultz, Liora M; Eaton, Anne; Baggott, Christina; Rossoff, Jenna; Prabhu, Snehit; Keating, Amy K; Krupski, Christa; Pacenta, Holly; Philips, Christine L; Talano, Julie-An; Moskop, Amy; Baumeister, Susanne H C; Myers, Gary Douglas; Karras, Nicole A; Brown, Patrick A; Qayed, Muna; Hermiston, Michelle; Satwani, Prakash; Wilcox, Rachel; Rabik, Cara A; Fabrizio, Vanessa A; Chinnabhandar, Vasant; Kunicki, Michael; Mavroukakis, Sharon; Egeler, Emily; Li, Yimei; Mackall, Crystal L; Curran, Kevin J; Verneris, Michael R; Laetsch, Theodore W; Stefanski, Heather


Higher doses of tisagenlecleucel are associated with improved outcomes: a report from the pediatric real-world CAR consortium.

Stefanski, Heather E; Eaton, Anne; Baggott, Christina; Rossoff, Jenna; Verneris, Michael R; Prabhu, Snehit; Pacenta, Holly L; Phillips, Christine L; Talano, Julie-An; Moskop, Amy; Margossian, Steven P; Myers, Gary Douglas; Karras, Nicole A; Brown, Patrick A; Qayed, Muna; Hermiston, Michelle; Satwani, Prakash; Krupski, M Christa; Keating, Amy K; Wilcox, Rachel; Rabik, Cara A; Fabrizio, Vanessa A; Chinnabhandar, Vasant; Goksenin, A Yasemin; Curran, Kevin J; Mackall, Crystal L; Laetsch, Theodore W; Schultz, Liora M


A Population-Based Study of the Long-Term Risk of Infections Associated With Hospitalization in Childhood Cancer Survivors.

Chehab, Leena; Doody, David R; Esbenshade, Adam J; Guilcher, Gregory M T; Dvorak, Christopher C; Fisher, Brian T; Mueller, Beth A; Chow, Eric J; Rossoff, Jenna